每日头条!【POE 3.21】泄露的熔炉天赋中所有主动技能涉及词缀整理(中英文)
来源:哔哩哔哩 2023-04-06 01:15:23




1. Trigger Level 20 Summon Spectral Wolf on Critical Strike with Cleave or Reave

当劈砍 或 冲击波 暴击时,触发等级20的召唤幽灵狼

2. Vaal Volcanic Fissure and Vaal Molten Strike have {0}% reduced Soul Gain Prevention Duration

瓦尔·火山裂隙 和 瓦尔·熔岩打击 有#%减少阻灵时间

3. Killing Blows from Smite and Static Strike Consume corpses to Recover {0}% of Life

惩击 和 充能打击 的击杀一击消耗尸体以回复#%的生命

4. Trigger Level 20 Stance Swap when you Attack with Perforate or Lacerate

当你使用 凿击 或 破空斩 攻击时,触发等级20的姿态转换

5. Enemies Frozen by Ice Crash or Glacial Hammer become Covered in Frost for 4 seconds as they Unfreeze

被 冰霜冲击 或 冰霜之锤 冰冻的敌人在解冻时被寒冰覆盖4秒

6. Trigger Level 20 Bone Corpses when you Stun an Enemy with Heavy Strike or Boneshatter

当你使用 重击 或 七伤破 晕眩敌人时,触发等级20的Bone Corpses(未知的新技能,直译叫骨骸)

7. Shield Crush and Spectral Shield Throw do not gain Added Physical Damage based on Armour or Evasion on shield

Shield Crush and Spectral Shield Throw gains {0} to {1} Added Lightning Damage per 15 Energy Shield on Shield

盾牌碾压 和 灵盾投掷 不再从盾牌上的护甲或闪避值获得附加物理点伤

盾牌碾压 和 灵盾投掷 改为从盾牌上的每15点能量护盾获得#到#点附加闪电点伤

8. Poisons inflicted by Sunder or Ground Slam on non-Poisoned Enemies deal {0}% increased Damage

大地震击 和 裂地之击 在使未中毒敌人中毒时,该次中毒伤害提高#%

9. {0}% of Damage Dealt by Ancestor Totems Leeched to you as Energy Shield


10. Decoy, Devouring and Rejuvenation Totems Reflect {0}% of their maximum Life as Fire Damage to nearby Enemies when Hit

诱饵图腾、吞噬图腾 和 回春图腾 被击中时,向周围敌人反射#%其最大生命的火焰伤害

(疑似非终端天赋)Rejuvenation Totem also grants Mana Regeneration equal to {0}% of its Life Regeneration

回春图腾 同样给予相当于其生命秒回#%的魔力秒回

11. Flicker Strike and Vigilant Strike's Cooldown can be bypassed by Power Charges instead of Frenz# or Endurance Charges

闪现打击 和 戒备打击 的可以使用暴击球忽视冷却,而非狂怒球或耐力球

12. (疑似非终端天赋)Banner Skills have {0}% increased Aura Effect


13. {0}% increased Melee Damage for each second you've been affected by a Warcry Buff, up to a maximum of 60%


(疑似非终端天赋)Remove all Damaging Ailments when you Warcry


(疑似非终端天赋)Warcry Skills have {0}% increased Area of Effect


14. Shield Charge and Chain Hook have {0}% increased Attack Speed per 10 Rampage Kills

重盾冲锋 和 钩链攻击 每10个暴怒击杀增加#%攻击速度

15. Increases and Reductions to Minion Damage also affect Dominating Blow and Absolution at 150% of their value

召唤物伤害的增加与减少按照其值的150%套用到 霸气之击 和 赦罪 上

16. {0}% of Exsanguinate and Reap Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage

Exsanguinate debuffs deal Fire Damage per second instead of Physical Damage per second

Reap debuffs deal Fire Damage per second instead of Physical Damage per second

赤炼魔光 和 绝命之镰 的#%物理伤害转换为火焰伤害

赤炼魔光 的减益效果改为每秒造成火焰伤害而非物理伤害

绝命之镰 的减益效果改为每秒造成火焰伤害而非物理伤害

17. Tectonic Slam and Infernal Blow deal {0}% increased Attack Damage per 450 Armour

破釜一击 和 炼狱之击 每有450点护甲增加#%攻击速度

18. Holy Flame Totem and Shockwave Totem gain {0}% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage when Cast by a Totem linked to by Searing Bond

当由被 灼热链接图腾 所链接的图腾施放时,圣焰图腾 和 震波图腾 获得等同于#%物理伤害的额外火焰伤害

19. Killing Blows with Earthquake and Earthshatter Shatter Enemies as though Frozen

地震 和 尖刺战吼 的击杀一击会如同敌人被冰冻一般粉碎敌人

20. {0}% less Damage taken from Marked Enemy

{0}% increased/reduced Mana Cost of Mark Skills




21. Enemies in your Rage Vortex or Bladestorms are Hindered and Unnerved

在你的 怒火漩涡 或 剑刃风暴 范围内的敌人被缓速和恐惧

22. Consecrated Path and Purifying Flame create Profane Ground instead of Consecrated Ground

奉献之路 和 净化烈焰 制造亵渎地面而非奉献地面

23. {0}% more Frozen Legion and General's Cry Cooldown Recovery Rate

Frozen Sweep deals {0}% more Damage

冰封军团 和 将军战吼 有#%更多冷却回复速度


24. Summoned Carrion Golems Impale on Hit if you have the same number of them as Summoned Chaos Golems

Summoned Chaos Golems Impale on Hit if you have the same number of them as Summoned Stone Golems

Summoned Stone Golems Impale on Hit if you have the same number of them as Summoned Carrion Golems

当你的 召唤腐化魔像 数量等同于 召唤混沌魔像 时,腐化魔像击中时造成穿刺

当你的 召唤混沌魔像 数量等同于 召唤巨石魔像 时,混沌魔像击中时造成穿刺

当你的 召唤巨石魔像 数量等同于 召唤腐化魔像 时,巨石魔像击中时造成穿刺

Maximum Life of Summoned Elemental Golems is Doubled

你的 召唤元素魔像 的最大生命值翻倍

25. {0}% chance for Energy Shield Recharge to start when you Link to a target

Flasks apply to your Linked Targets

Link Skills can target Animated Guardian

{0}% increased Effect of Link Buffs on Animated Guardian

Linked Targets Cannot Die for {0} seconds after you Die

Lose no Experience when you die because a Linked target died








26. Caustic Arrow and Scourge Arrow fire {0}% more projectiles

腐蚀箭 和 天灾箭 发射#%更多投射物

27. Killing Blows with Burning Arrow or Explosive Arrow Shatter Enemies as though Frozen

燃烧箭 或 爆炸箭 的击杀一击会如同敌人被冰冻一般粉碎敌人

28. {0}% chance for Bleeding inflicted with Cobra Lash or Venom Gyre to deal 100% more Damage

毒蛇鞭击 或 剧毒旋风 造成的流血有#%的概率有100%更多伤害

29. Gain Soul Eater for 20 seconds on Killing Blow against Rare and Unique Enemies with Double Strike or Dual Strike

当 双重打击 或 双持打击 击杀稀有和传奇敌人时获得20秒噬魂者

30. Leaves a Lingering Blade in the ground for every {0} fewer Projectiles fired


31. Animated Lingering Blades have {0:+d}% to Critical Strike Chance

幻化武器 幻化徘徊之刃时有+#%基础暴击率

32. Spectral Helix and Spectral Throw have {0}% Projectile Speed Variation

灵体投掷 和 灵幻旋斩 有#%投射物速度变化(?)

33. All Damage from Lightning Arrow and Ice Shot Hits can Ignite

{0}% chance for Ignites inflicted with Lightning Arrow or Ice Shot to deal 100% more Damage

闪电箭 和 冰霜射击 的击中伤害均可以点燃(可以是can,不是必点燃,下同)

由 闪电箭 和 冰霜射击 造成的点燃有#%概率造成100%更多伤害

34. All Damage from Lightning Strike and Frost Blades Hits can Ignite

"{0}% chance for Ignites inflicted with Lightning Strike or Frost Blades to deal 100% more Damage

闪电打击 和 冰霜之刃 的击中伤害均可以点燃

由 闪电打击 和 冰霜之刃 造成的点燃有#%概率造成100%更多伤害

35. Recover {0}% of Energy Shield per Steel Shard Consumed


36. Galvanic Arrow and Storm Rain Repeat an additional time when used by a Mine

电光箭 和 暴雨箭 由地雷释放时额外重复一次

37. Fire Trap and Explosive Trap Throw an additional Trap when used by a Mine

火焰陷阱 和 爆炸陷阱 由地雷释放时额外投掷一个陷阱

38. Trigger Level 20 Tornado when you Attack with Split Arrow or Tornado Shot

当你使用 分裂箭 或 龙卷射击 攻击时,触发等级20的龙卷旋风

39. Viper Strike and Pestilent Strike deal {0}% increased Attack Damage per Frenzy Charge

每有一个狂怒球,毒蛇打击 和 致疫打击 增加#%攻击速度

40. Bear Trap and Siphoning Trap Debuffs also apply {0}% reduced Cooldown Recovery Rate to affected Enemies

捕熊陷阱 和 虹吸陷阱 的减益效果同时使敌人减少#%冷却回复速度

41. Trigger Level 20 Bodyswap when you Explode a Corpse with Detonate Dead

当你使用 爆灵术 引爆一具尸体时,触发等级20的灵体转换

42. Enemies you Kill with Puncture or Ensnaring Arrow Hits Explode, dealing 10% of their Life as Physical Damage

由 放血 或 诱捕箭 的【击中】击杀的敌人爆炸,造成其最大生命10%的物理伤害

43. {0}% increased Siege and Shrapnel Ballista attack speed per maximum Summoned Totem

{0}% increased/reduced Shrapnel Ballista attack speed per Shrapnel Ballista Totem

{0}% increased/reduced Siege Ballista attack speed per Siege Ballista Totem

每有一个最大图腾数量,攻城炮台 和 散射弩炮 提高#%攻击速度

每个散射弩炮图腾增加/减少 散射弩炮 #%攻击速度

每个攻城炮台图腾增加/减少 攻城炮台 #%攻击速度

44. All Damage from Blast Rain and Artillery Ballista Hits can Poison

{0}% chance for Poisons inflicted with Blast Rain or Artillery Ballsita to deal 100% more Damage

爆裂箭雨 和 火力弩炮 的击中伤害均可以中毒

由 爆裂箭雨 和 火力弩炮 造成的中毒有#%概率造成100%更多伤害

45. Trigger Level 20 Blink Arrow when you Attack with Mirror Arrow

Trigger Level 20 Mirror Arrow when you Attack with Blink Arrow

当你使用 魅影射击 攻击时触发等级20的闪现射击

当你使用 闪现射击 攻击时触发等级20的魅影射击

46. Barrage and Frenzy have {0}% increased Critical Strike Chance per Endurance Charge

每有一个耐力球,弹幕 和 狂怒 增加#%暴击率

47. {0}% chance for Elemental Hit and Wild Strike Hits to inflict Scorch, Brittle and Sapped

元素打击 和 野性打击 的击中有#%的概率造成焦灼、易碎和残喘

48. Poisonous Concoction and Explosive Concoction also consume Charges from 1 Sulphur Flask, if possible

If Poisonous Concoction or Explosive Concoction consume Charges from a Sulphur Flask, Enemies Killed by their Hits have {0}% chance to Explode, dealing 10% of their Life as Physical Damage

如有可能,毒爆灵药 和 爆破灵药 同时消耗1点硫磺药剂充能

如果 毒爆灵药 和 爆破灵药 消耗了硫磺药剂的充能,则敌人被这些技能的【击中】击杀时,有#%的几率爆炸,造成其最大生命10%的物理伤害

49. {0}% chance for Blade Vortex and Blade Blast to Impale Enemies on Hit

Blade Vortex and Blade Blast deal no Non-Physical Damage

飞刃风暴 和 乱剑穿心 在击中时穿刺敌人

飞刃风暴 和 乱剑穿心 无法造成非物理伤害

50. Rain of Arrows and Toxic Rain deal {0}% more Damage with Bleeding

箭雨 和 毒雨 造成的流血有#%更多伤害

51. Volatile Dead and Cremation Penetrate {0}% Fire Resistance per 100 Dexterity

每有100点敏捷,灵体火球 和 火葬 穿透#%火焰抗性

52. Trigger a Socketed Spell every second while Channelling Blade Flurry or Charged Dash

引导 刀刃乱舞 或 蓄力疾风闪 时,每秒触发一个插槽内的法术

53. Knock Enemies Back on hit with Cyclone and Sweep

Knockback direction is reversed with Cyclone and Sweep

旋风斩 和 横扫 的击中使敌人击退

旋风斩 和 横扫 的击退方向反向

54. {0}% chance for Firestorm and Bladefall to affect the same area again when they finish

烈焰风暴 和 虚空刀雨 在效果结束时有#%的概率再度影响同一区域

55. Blight has {0}% increased Area of Effect per second you have been Channelling, up to a maximum of 200%

你每引导 枯萎 一秒,其范围效果增大#%,最多200%

56. Fireball and Rolling Magma have {0}% more Area of Effect

Modifiers to number of Projectiles do not apply to Fireball and Rolling Magma

火球 和 熔岩奔涌 有#%更多范围效果

投射物数量词缀不套用至 火球 和 熔岩奔涌 

57. {0:+d}% to Vortex Critical Strike Chance when Cast on Frostbolt


58. All Damage from Hits with Freezing Pulse and Eye of Winter can Poison

{0}% chance for Poisons inflicted with Freezing Pulse and Eye of Winter to deal 100% more Damage

冰霜脉冲 和 凛冬之眼 的击中伤害均可以中毒

由 冰霜脉冲 和 凛冬之眼 成的中毒有#%概率造成100%更多伤害

59. Stormblast, Icicle and Pyroclast Mine have {0}% increased Aura Effect

Stormblast, Icicle and Pyroclast Mine deal no Damage

雷暴地雷、冰锥地雷 和 火屑地雷 增加#%光环效果

雷暴地雷、冰锥地雷 和 火屑地雷 无法造成伤害

60. {0}% increased Spark Duration when Cast by a Totem while you also have a Lightning Tendrils Spell Totem

Lightning Tendrils releases {0} fewer Pulse between Stronger Pulses when Cast by a Totem while you also have a Spark Spell Totem

若你同时有电能释放图腾,则当以图腾施放 电球 时,电球的持续时间增加#%

若你同时有电球图腾,则当以图腾施放 电能释放 时,电能释放的强脉冲之间需要造成的脉冲减少#个

61. Raised Zombies and Spectres gain Adrenaline for {0} seconds when Raised


62. Kinetic Bolt, Kinetic Blast and Power Siphon have {0}% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold

{0}% chance for Kinetic Bolt, Kinetic Blast and Power Siphon to double Stun Duration

念动飞箭、力量爆破 和 力量抽取 减少#%敌人晕眩门槛

念动飞箭、力量爆破 和 力量抽取 有#%概率造成双倍的晕眩时间

63. Enemies inflicted with Bane or Contagion are Chilled

由 混沌之毒 或 瘟疫 影响的敌人被冰缓

64. Blazing Salvo Projectiles Fork when they pass through a Flame Wall

怒焰穿心 在穿透 烈焰之墙 时分裂

65. Frost Bombs gain {}% increased Area of Effect when you Cast Frostblink

当你施放 冰霜闪现 时,寒霜爆 获得#%增加范围效果

66. Summoned Skeletons and Holy Relics convert {0}% of their Physical Damage to a random Element

{0}% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments inflicted by Summoned Skeletons and Holy Relics

召唤骷髅(魔侍) 和 召唤生物 将其#%的物理伤害转换为随机元素伤害

召唤骷髅(魔侍) 和 召唤生物 造成的非伤害性异常状态增加#%效果

67. Strikes from Orb of Storms caused by Channelling near the Orb occur with {0}% increased frequency

在 风暴漩涡 附近引导(闪电技能)时激活的打击增加#%打击频率

68. Summoned Raging Spirits have Diamond Shrine and Massive Shrine Buffs

Maximum number of Summoned Raging Spirits is 3



69. Summoned Phantasms have Diamond Shrine and Massive Shrine Buffs

Maximum number of Summoned Phantasms is 3



70. Wither has {0}% increased Area of Effect per second you have been Channelling, up to a maximum of 200%

你每引导 凋零 一秒,其范围效果增大#%,最多200%

71. Arc and Crackling Lance gains Added Cold Damage equal to {0}% of Mana Cost, if Mana Cost is not higher than the maximum you could spend

{0}% increased Cost of Arc and Crackling Lance

若魔力消耗不超过你能消耗的最大魔力,电弧 和 电殛长枪 获得等同于#%魔力消耗的附加冰冷点伤

电弧 和 电殛长枪 的魔力消耗提高#%

72. All Damage from Cold Snap and Creeping Frost can Sap

{0}% chance for Cold Snap and Creeping Frost to Sap Enemies in Chilling Areas

霜爆 和 电光寒霜 的所有伤害可以造成残喘

霜爆 和 电光寒霜 对冰缓区域内的敌人有#%概率造成残喘

73. Storm and Armageddon Brands can be attached to your Summoned Reaper

风暴烙印 和 末日烙印 可以附着在你的 召唤死神 上

74. Flameblast and Incinerate cannot inflict Elemental Ailments

Incinerate starts with {0} additional Stages

Flameblast starts with {0} additional Stages

烈焰爆破 和 烧毁 不能造成元素异常状态



75. Trigger Level 20 Ice Nova from the Final Burst location of Glacial Cascades you Cast

你施放的 冰川之刺 在最终爆炸点触发等级20的冰霜新星

76. Ice Spear and Ball Lightning fire Projectiles in a circle

冰矛 和 天雷之珠 以环状发射投射物

77. Ice Trap and Lightning Trap Damage Penetrates {0}% of Enemy Elemental Resistances

Ice Traps and Lightning Traps are triggered by your Warcries

Ice Traps and Lightning Traps cannot be triggered by Enemies

冰冻陷阱 和 闪电陷阱 穿透#%敌人元素抗性

冰冻陷阱 和 闪电陷阱 由你的战吼触发

冰冻陷阱 和 闪电陷阱 不能被敌人触发

78. {0}% of Manabond and Stormbind Lightning Damage Converted to Cold Damage

Manabond and Stormbind Freeze enemies as though dealing {0}% more Damage

缚魔电殛 和 缚雷之纹 闪电伤害的#%转化为冰冷伤害

缚魔电殛 和 缚雷之纹 计算敌人冰冻门槛时按照#%更多伤害计算

79. Trigger Level 20 Gravity Sphere when you Cast Storm Burst or Divine Ire

当你施放 裂风雷球 或 圣怨 时,触发等级20的重力法球

80. All Damage from Shock Nova and Storm Call Hits can Ignite

{0}% chance for Ignites inflicted with Shock Nova or Storm Call to deal 100% more Damage

闪电新星 和 风暴呼唤 的击中伤害均可以点燃

由 闪电新星 和 风暴呼唤 造成的点燃有#%概率造成100%更多伤害

81. Discharge and Voltaxic Burst are Cast at the targeted location instead of around you

解放 和 雷电魔爆 在目标位置处施放,而非以你为中心施放

82. Enemies Branded by Wintertide Brand or Arcanist Brand Explode on Death dealing a quarter of their maximum Life as Chaos damage

由 冬潮烙印 或 奥法烙印 附着的敌人在死亡时爆炸,造成其最大生命四分之一的混沌伤害

83. Killing Blows with Lightning Conduit and Galvanic Field Shatter Enemies as though Frozen

闪电通道 和 电流场 的击杀一击会如同敌人被冰冻一般粉碎敌人

84. +{0}% to Wave of Conviction Damage over Time Multiplier per 0.1 seconds of Duration expired

定罪波 (的推波时间)每经过0.1秒,获得+#%持续伤害加成

85. Regenerate {0} Mana per second while any Enemy is in your Righteous Fire or Scorching Ray

如果有敌人在你的 正义之火 或者 灼热光线 范围内,则每秒恢复#点魔力

86. Forbidden Rite and Dark Pact gains Added Chaos Damage equal to {0}% of Mana Cost, if Mana Cost is not higher than the maximum you could spend

若魔力消耗不超过你能消耗的最大魔力,禁断典仪 和 暗夜血契 获得等同于#%魔力消耗的附加冰冷点伤

87. {0}% of Hexblast and Doom Blast Overkill Damage is Leeched as Life

魔蛊爆炸 和 末日爆炸 的溢出伤害的#%吸取为生命

88. Trigger Level 20 Hydrosphere while you Channel Winter Orb

当你引导 寒冬宝珠 时,触发等级20的水源法球

89. Flamethrower, Seismic and Lightning Spire Trap have +{0} Cooldown Use

Flamethrower, Seismic and Lightning Spire Trap have {0}% increased/reduced Cooldown Recovery Rate

掷火陷阱、震波陷阱 和 电塔陷阱 有+#使用次数

掷火陷阱、震波陷阱 和 电塔陷阱 增加/降低#%冷却回复速度(个人推测为降低,和上一条合并)

90. Essence Drain and Soulrend fire an additional Projectile

{0}% increased/reduced Essence Drain and Soulrend Projectile Speed

灵魂吸取 和 裂魂术 发射一个额外投射物

灵魂吸取 和 裂魂术 增加/降低#%投射物速度(个人推测为降低,和上一条合并)

个人觉得有一定开发潜力的15. Increases and Reductions to Minion Damage also affect Dominating Blow and Absolution at 150% of their value召唤物伤害的增加与减少按照其值的150%套用到 霸气之击 和 赦罪 上给两个好用的召唤技能带来了进一步提升16. {0}% of Exsanguinate and Reap Physical Damage Converted to Fire DamageExsanguinate debuffs deal Fire Damage per second instead of Physical Damage per secondReap debuffs deal Fire Damage per second instead of Physical Damage per second赤炼魔光 和 绝命之镰 的#%物理伤害转换为火焰伤害赤炼魔光 的减益效果改为每秒造成火焰伤害而非物理伤害绝命之镰 的减益效果改为每秒造成火焰伤害而非物理伤害虽然应该没人玩这东西的火dot,但是至少物转火很实用22. Consecrated Path and Purifying Flame create Profane Ground instead of Consecrated Ground奉献之路 和 净化烈焰 制造亵渎地面而非奉献地面可以用来外挂一个10%降抗和100%增加暴击率24. Maximum Life of Summoned Elemental Golems is Doubled你的 召唤元素魔像 的最大生命值翻倍用来炸魔像?26. Caustic Arrow and Scourge Arrow fire {0}% more projectiles腐蚀箭 和 天灾箭 发射#%更多投射物这里的more是百分比,因此需要有一定基础投射物数量,但这版本不缺投射物吧。腐蚀箭且不论,天灾箭多点子母箭都是好的36. Galvanic Arrow and Storm Rain Repeat an additional time when used by a Mine电光箭 和 暴雨箭 由地雷释放时额外重复一次很微妙,但是够粗暴,不知道有没有说法38. Trigger Level 20 Tornado when you Attack with Split Arrow or Tornado Shot当你使用 分裂箭 或 龙卷射击 攻击时,触发等级20的龙卷旋风龙卷旋风对投射物的增伤还是比较踏实的,自动触发能省很多事47. {0}% chance for Elemental Hit and Wild Strike Hits to inflict Scorch, Brittle and Sapped元素打击 和 野性打击 的击中有#%的概率造成焦灼、易碎和残喘小领袖项链,元打本来就要依靠领袖,这东西如果真能成那就太顶了54. {0}% chance for Firestorm and Bladefall to affect the same area again when they finish烈焰风暴 和 虚空刀雨 在效果结束时有#%的概率再度影响同一区域主要配合新出的瓦尔烈焰风暴,那个数值比较香,不知道会不会开发出点什么57. {0:+d}% to Vortex Critical Strike Chance when Cast on Frostbolt当在寒冰弹上释放漩涡时,漩涡获得+#%基础暴击率直接粗暴加强直击漩涡72. All Damage from Cold Snap and Creeping Frost can Sap{0}% chance for Cold Snap and Creeping Frost to Sap Enemies in Chilling Areas霜爆 和 电光寒霜 的所有伤害可以造成残喘霜爆 和 电光寒霜 对冰缓区域内的敌人有#%概率造成残喘进一步提高冰dot体系的生存能力81. Discharge and Voltaxic Burst are Cast at the targeted location instead of around you解放 和 雷电魔爆 在目标位置处施放,而非以你为中心施放自爆卡车少走两步路89. Flamethrower, Seismic and Lightning Spire Trap have +{0} Cooldown UseFlamethrower, Seismic and Lightning Spire Trap have {0}% increased/reduced Cooldown Recovery Rate掷火陷阱、震波陷阱 和 电塔陷阱 有+#使用次数掷火陷阱、震波陷阱 和 电塔陷阱 增加/降低#%冷却回复速度(个人推测为降低,和上一条合并)可能是震波复活的一块拼图

